Moxi Laser Aftercare Instructions

Moxi Laser/BBL

  • Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, beginning the morning after the treatment.  Use your hands and gentle patting motions.  Do Not rub, scrub, or use an exfoliant or skin brush such as a Clarisonic on the treated area.
  • Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over the treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry.  Do not apply any other products that you were not instructed to use. We recommend using SkinMedica HA5 for hydration.
  • Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post-procedure.  Use a physical sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30.  Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.  We recommend SkinMedica Mineral Shield sunscreen, which comes in tinted or clear. 
  • For general post-treatment discomfort, an over-the-counter oral pain reliever might help, such as Tylenol if you have no contraindications to taking it.  Avoid scratching and itching as scarring and pigmentation complications can occur.
Tips & Tricks 
  • Use soft cloth and soft towels to avoid any scrubbing.
  • Make-up can typically be worn once the peeling process is complete.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat or protective clothing for 2 months post-treatment to avoid blistering, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation.
  • When showering, avoid getting shampoo directly on the treated area.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after the skin has healed.
  • There may be some degree of swelling immediately post-treatment, however, if you experience excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, you should contact our office immediately.


Signs of infection include: 

  • Drainage – looks like pus
  • Increased warmth at or around the treated area
  • Fever
  • Extreme itching

What to Expect and What you Should Do:

Feeling of Warmth
  • What to expect – The treated area may be extremely warm for 1-2 hours after the treatment.  Warmth may continue for 12-24 hours after the treatment.
  • What to do – Cold compresses may provide comfort during this time.  Also, a mineral water spray might provide some relief and much needed moisture to the skin.
Redness (Erythema)
  • What to expect – Redness is normal and expected. 
  • What to do – Use gentle cleansers and keep your skin moisturized and out of the sun which will allow your skin time to heal and limit further stress on your skin.
  • What to expect – MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and bronzed appearance to the treated skin.
  • What to do – MENDs are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated.  During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off.  Keep your skin well moisturized to support the healing process.  Do not pick at your skin.


Possible Side Effects:
  • What to expect – Swelling is common and expected immediately after treatment.
  • What to do – Use of a cold compress will help to relieve the swelling.  To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep in an upright position the first couple of nights after the treatment.

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